Monday, January 4, 2010

How to Feed Your Albino Iguana

Iguanas are sensitive creatures; most of them rely on their environment for survival.

Having an Albino Iguana as your pet gives you the obligation to properly care for it and make sure that it survives under your captivity.

One of the most crucial factors in an Albino Iguana’s survival is food. So being the owner, you must appropriately feed it with the right food.

Iguanas are scientifically classified as herbivores so green leafy plants should not be in its main diet. Though some people still recommend on feeding iguanas with insects and other animal protein based food.

You may have seen iguanas eating insects on televisions and magazines but research studies shows that this thing occurs only by accident. Like for example, when an insect is on a piece of plant. An iguana slowly creeps over to eat it. Then leaf and insect are simultaneously consumed by the reptile.

Experts and veterinarians recommend more vegetables to be fed to your pet and lesser animal protein or insects. This will eventually lead to better physical health.

Albino iguanas also need water, so make sure to provide them with this. Iguanas usually dip their head on the water when drinking, so also make sure to have a tall glass that is full of fresh water. Sometimes they also lick off small water droplets from plants to quench their thirst.

Water should always be available for your iguana and make certain that they are fresh. Never feed your iguana with left over vegetables because this may cause disorders in its digestive system. It will then lead to sickness or even death.

It is highly recommended to feed your iguana every day and regularly. The ideal time for feeding your iguana is early in the morning usually an hour after it is awake. Succeeding feeding all through out the day can also be done but only in small quantity. Never feed your iguana immense amounts of food before sleeping time.

Feeding your Albino Iguana in the morning gives it time to properly digest food before sleeping. In addition, the morning temperature will give your iguana the right environment to properly digest its food.

The amount of food to be given literally depends on the size and bulkiness of your iguana. The main rule in here is to feed your iguana as long as it wants to. This kind of technique will allow you to note how much your iguana can take over one feeding.

Food for your Albino Iguana should be on a shallow bowl which should be made of ceramic, glass or plastic and should be regularly cleaned. The bowl to be used should be sturdy enough to hold your iguana and should not be tipped easily.

Variety of food is also important to make your iguana feel healthy and at home. Iguanas are known to eat a large variety of fruits and flowers in the wild so it is a good idea to also feed them this way while they are in your captivity.

Aside from proper food your iguana should also have the proper lighting and sunshine. Iguanas usually get calcium from the sun rays to help them properly digest their food. So if you want your Albino Iguana to stay healthy and have a longer life span feed them with the right amount of food and the right kind of food.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Facts and Myths about Green Iguanas

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Green Iguanas

Facts and Myths about Green Iguanas

Some green iguana pet owners often have certain false information about them which could interfere with their ability provide adequate care. While some of these myths may not be too harmful, others could endanger their iguana's health and well-being. Here are some common myths about green iguanas which you should know about:

1) It is true that you may feed your green iguanas lettuce since your green iguana is vegetarian by nature. However you should understand that the common table lettuce lacks the nutritional value for a steady diet. Some of these pet owners realize too late to change their diet to a more nutritional mixture. The problem is that the green iguanas will continue to feast on your lettuce even when you add more nutritional food to it's diet.

You can best care for your green iguanas by feeding it vegetables that have a high
nutritional value. Examples include collards, turnip greens and mustard greens.

2) A small cage will control the Iguanas growth.

Some people are afraid their iguanas may grow too large and will keep them in small cages to control their growth to more convenient sizes. A green iguana, when properly taken care of, can grow up to six feet long. The only thing this will accomplish is making your green iguana's life very uncomfortable.

3) Iguanas need to have gravel in their diet

This is a very dangerous myth. Some people add gravel or small pebbles to an iguana's enclosure because they think that these will help a green iguana to digest its food. However, you should realize that gravel or any such material could kill your green iguana if it is consumed. You should try to avoid feeding your green iguana these materials, whether by accident or on purpose.

4) Hot rocks are great for keeping Iguanas warm.

Some people will add hot rocks to their iguana's dens, thinking that it's good for the iguana's body temperature. What you need to remember is that green iguanas are cold blooded. This means that if a green iguana sits on a hot rock, it can literally be cooked to death in no time. If you wish to provide proper heating for a green iguana enclosure, you should use special lighting available in most pet stores.

5) Iguanas can eat anything - insects, pet food, and other animal products

Many sources today still maintain that iguanas should be given animal protein as part of their diet. However, the truth is that green iguanas are best suited to an herbivorous diet. The body and metabolism of a green iguana is designed to utilize plant proteins effectively. Animal proteins, on the other hand, can prove to be very troubling to them. Consumption of animal proteins can cause your green iguana to develop gout. It can also lead to serious kidney problems. The only reason that iguanas eat insects in the wild is because these get mixed up with their food accidentally.

These are just some of the myths that you may have heard about green iguanas. By knowing the truth about these myths, you are now equipped to give the best care possible to a green iguana.


Interesting Facts About The Rhinoceros Iguana

Internet Marketing Power Blog | Get Your Piece of The Pie

Rhinoceros Iguana Facts and Fiction

General Habitats Of The Rhinoceros Iguana

The rhinoceros iguana is a close relative of the Galapagos marine iguana. It can be found mainly in the tropical dry forest of the North America Continent, in the Caribbean Islands and the island of Hispaniola. A close relative of the rhinoceros iguana have been spotted on the Nassau Island, but is believed to be extinct. The scientific name of the rhinoceros iguana is the cyclura comuta. We will explain some vital details about the rhinoceros iguana in this article.

Physical Description Of The Rhinoceros Iguana

The rhinoceros iguana is one of the most powerful of the lizard family. Its has a firm crested row of spines at its back and it's body is very stout in size. With it's long legs, it is able to walk with its body elevated above the ground. The male rhinoceros iguana can grow up to 56 cm by length and 10 kg in weight. Like most of the iguanas species, the rhinoceros iguanas regulate their body temperature by means of solar energy.

The skin of the rhinoceros iguana is encrusted with epidermal scales which gives it a rough texture. It's skin color is typically a grey-brown hue and the head is also covered with large scales. Some species even sprouted horns which are possibly formed from these scales.

The males are obviously bigger than the females and are credited to develop bigger horns too.

Diet and Lifestyle Of Rhinoceros Iguana

Iguanas feed mainly on green vegetation and can be seen devouring leaves, flowers, seeds, and fruits. The rhinoceros iguanas diet varies based on the season and the onto genetic.

They are known to eat land crabs, insects, and other animal food. The younger rhinoceros iguanas often feed on small insects and animals. These creatures will fiercely defend any special bush or location which is their main source of food, even from other species of their own kind.

During the daytime, they usually spend most of their time eating and then sunbathing under the heat of the sun. At night, they do retreat into the burrows, caves, or into some hollow trunks. The male rhinoceros iguanas are the ones that serve as the defenders of their territories and can be found atop the tall trees and large rocks as their sunbathing areas. They also tend to be hostile towards the rest of the male species and very territorial. The head-bob is used by the rhinoceros iguanas to communicate with one another.

Reproduction Of The Rhinoceros Iguana

The rhinoceros iguanas mating season usually starts in the spring just before the rainy season which comes in the later part of May. The females will excavate their tunnels of about one meter in length to fit in the 34 eggs that they will lay. Typically, the laying of the eggs comes at the earlier part of August. After a period of six months, the eggs start to hatch. The young take after their parents but are considered to be more of tree-dwellers. Their maturity stage settles in after three years and they could live up to about 30 years.

Today, some people opt to keep the rhinoceros iguanas for pets unlike the earlier times when more individuals would happily have these creatures as food.